
Effective acupoint therapy for pseudomyopia that can be done alone

Acupuncture therapy is effective by continuing it every day

In Oriental medicine, health is judged by whether the body is in balance or not.

It is believed that an imbalanced state is a disease, in which the function of the organs deteriorates and the flow of "qi", the energy of life, is impaired.

The routes through which qi circulates in the body are called "meridians," and among them, the areas where the reaction is particularly strong are the "acupuncture points," so-called acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are places where the flow of Qi stagnates, and by stimulating these points and smoothing the flow of Qi, the function of organs is restored and the body becomes healthy.

From the perspective of oriental medicine, visual acuity problems such as myopia are also thought to be due to stagnation in the flow of Qi due to a decline in organ function.
By stimulating the points, the flow becomes smoother, and it is effective in preventing and recovering from vision loss.

Here, we will introduce five key points that are said to be effective for pseudomyopia and tired eyes.

The eyeball is a very delicate part. Keep your fingers clean and avoid rubbing or pressing hard on your eyeballs. Acupuncture therapy will be effective if you continue every day. to continue.

*It is basic to perform the treatment time and number of times to the extent that you do not get tired. As a guideline, the treatment time for one spot should be 5 to 15 minutes, and the number of repetitions of shiatsu should be the appropriate number of times that you feel comfortable.


Location/Bone depression between the corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose.
Treatment/Use the pad of your index finger to gently press. Be careful not to press your eyeballs. It has the effect of removing tension around the eyes and refreshing them.


Position / Located at the inner edge of each eyebrow on the left and right.
Treatment/Apply your index or middle finger and apply acupressure as strong as you feel comfortable. It has the function of adjusting eye function, and is effective when tears flow easily, asthenopia, and poor eyesight in the elderly.


Location/dent in the bone just below the pupil (infraorbital foramen = cancerous crater).
Treatment/Press the pad of your finger and apply gentle acupressure.

Wind pond (fuuchi)

Location/In the hairline at the back of the neck, a depression slightly spaced on each side of the two thick muscles.
Treatment: Stretch your elbows to the left and right, hold your head with both hands, and apply pressure points with your thumbs. It relieves tension in the neck and improves blood flow to the eyes.

When applying pressure points on the back of the neck, extend your elbows to the left and right, hold your head with both hands, and press the points with your thumbs.

When you have a stiff neck, squeeze the two thick muscles (trapezius muscles) at the back of your neck.


Position/On the back of the hand, outside the base of the index finger (the midpoint of the second metacarpal).
Treatment/Dig the opposite thumb into the back of the hand and press strongly. It is a key point that is used for a wide range of symptoms and has excellent effects. Known for its high sedative effect, it is especially effective for symptoms above the neck.

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